CT and Math Grades 4-8: understanding classroom practices.
Understanding Classroom (teaching and learning) practices that support introductory CT and Math for Grades 4-8 learners
- Immaculate Namukasa, Western University.
The study seeks to understand teaching and learning practices for integrating Computational thinking (CT) activities, based on Digital Tangibles, Robotics, and Block coding programs, with mathematics for Grades 4-8 children in and out of school contexts.
- Spring 2016- Spring 2018
- The design of computational thinking and mathematics activities based on existing tools, which were implemented and researched in classrooms.
- The activities were implemented with eight K-8 class teachers in five schools, as well as in outreach contexts.
- Namukasa K. I. (submitted). Integrating computational thinking tools in mathematics teaching. MTL.
- Namukasa, I. K., Minakshi, P., Miller, M. (2017). Introductory CT and Math in the middle grades: Tools and Resources. Math + Code ‘Zine, 2 (2).