University College London (England)
- 2014–17 ScratchMaths: supporting computational and mathematical thinking through programming (Education Endowment Fund)
- 2014-16 Developing teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching through computer-embedded activities (Nuffield Foundation)
- Cornerstone Maths Sustainability Project
- Research Group: UCL Knowledge Lab
- Benton, L; Hoyles, C; Kalas, I; Noss, R; (2017) Bridging Primary Programming and Mathematics: some findings of design research in England. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education
- Hoyles, C. M. (2017). Transforming the mathematical practices of learners and teachers through digital technology. Research in Mathematics Education.
- Benton, L; Hoyles, C; Kalas, I; Noss, R; (2016) Building mathematical knowledge with programming: insights from the ScratchMaths project. In: (Proceedings) Constructionism.
- Hoyles, C. M., & Wilson, H. (2016). Mathematics: a living, changing landscape. In D. Rooney (Ed.), Mathematics: how it shaped our world (pp. 187-192). London: The Science Museum.
- Hoyles, C; Noss, RL; (2015) A computational lens on design research. ZDM , 47 (6) pp. 1039-1045.
- Roesken-Winter, B; Hoyles, C; Blömeke, S; (2015) Evidence-based CPD: Scaling up sustainable interventions. ZDM , 47 (1) pp. 1-12.
- Clark-Wilson, A; Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2015) Conceptualising the scaling of mathematics teachers’ professional development concerning technology. In: Krainer, K and Vondrová, N, (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. (pp. pp. 2333-2339). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: Prague, Czech Republic.
- Chua, B and Hoyles, C (2014) Generalisation of linear figural patterns in Secondary School Mathematics. The Mathematics Educator. p. 1.
- Hoyles, C (2014). Reflections on the Complexities of Teaching and Learning Mathematics. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications 33, 210-212
- Chua, B and Hoyles, C (2014) Modalities of rules and generalising strategies of Year 8 students for a quadratic pattern. In: Proceedings of the Joint meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36. Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vancouver, p. 305.
- Clark-Wilson, A; Hoyles, C; Noss, R; Vahey, P & Roschelle, J (2015) Scaling a technology-based innovation: windows on the evolution of mathematics teachers’ practices. International Journal on Mathematics Education (ZDM). ISSN 1863-9690.
- First recipient of the International Commission of Mathematics Instruction (ICMI) Hans Freudenthal medal in 2004 for excellence in research.
- First recipient of the Royal Society Kavli Education Medal in 2011 for excellence in research.
- Hon Doctorate of Philosophy, the Open University; Hon Doctorate of Science, Loughborough University; Hon Doctorate of Sheffield Hallam University (Hon DUniv)
- Canotta Distinguished Visiting Fellowship in Mathematics Education, University of Hong Kong,
- Visiting Professorship at the University of Auckland, New Zealand and the National Institute of Education, Singapore.
- Foreign Fellow of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians.
- She was the UK Government’s Chief Adviser for mathematics (2004- 07), and the director of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (2007-13). She was President of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) (2014-15).
- Celia was awarded an OBE in 2004 and made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2014.She is an Academician of the Social Sciences (AcSS). She was a Distinguished Visitor, Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, San Diego State University