Professor (Simon Fraser University)
Computational Thinking + Math Projects
- TouchCounts: Learning number through digital multitouching
- Gestural communication in the mathematics classroom
- Using dynamic geometry to develop powerful thinking in k-5
- De Freitas, E. and Sinclair, N. (2014). Mathematics and the body: Material entanglements in the classroom. (Foreword by Brian Rotman). Cambridge University Press.
- Clark-Wilson, A., Robutti, O. & Sinclair, N. (Eds.) (2013). The mathematics teacher in the digital era: An international perspective on technology focused professional development. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zazkis, R., Sinclair, N., and Liljedahl, P. (2013). Lesson Play in Mathematics Education. Springer.
- Sinclair, N., Pimm, D. and Skelin, M. (2012). Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry for Teaching Mathematics in Grades 5–8. Essential Understanding Series. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Sinclair, N., Pimm, D. and Skelin, M. (2012). Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry for Teaching Mathematics in Grades 9–12. Essential Understanding Series. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Sinclair, N., (2008). The history of the geometry curriculum in the United States. IAP – Information Age Publishing Inc. (212 pages).
- Sinclair, N. (2006). Mathematics and Beauty: Aesthetics approaches to teaching children. Teachers College Press.
- Sinclair, N., Pimm, D. & Higginson, W. (2006). Mathematics and the aesthetic: Modern approaches to an ancient affinity. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Book Chapters
- Sinclair, N. (2015). What kind of thing might number become? In E. Davis & P. Davis (Eds.), Mathematics, substance and surmise. New York: Springer.
- Sinclair, N. & Pimm, D. (2015). Whatever Be Their Number: Counting on the Visible, the Audible, and the Tangible. In. M. Meletiou-Mavrotheris, K. Mavrou, E. Paparistodemou (Eds.), Integrating touch-enabled and mobile devices into contemporary mathematics education (pp. 50-80). IGI Global.
- Bruce, C., Sinclair, N., Moss, J., Hawes, Z., Caswell, B. (2015). Spatializing the curriculum. In B. Davis and the Spatial Reasoning Study Group (Eds.). Spatial reasoning in the early years: Principles, assertions, and speculations (pp. 85-106). New York: Routledge.
- McGarvey, L., Sinclair, N., Thom, J., Kotsopolos, D. (2015). Motion and markings. In B. Davis and the Spatial Reasoning Study Group (Eds.). Spatial reasoning in the early years: Principles, assertions, and speculations (pp. 107-120). New York: Routledge.
- Whiteley, W., Sinclair, N., & Davis, B. (2015). What is spatial reasoning and why should we care? In B. Davis and the Spatial Reasoning Study Group (Eds.). Spatial reasoning in the early years: Principles, assertions, and speculations (pp. 3-14). New York: Routledge.
- Andrà, C., and Sinclair, N. (2014). Le lezione di matematica. In L. Bazzini (Ed.), Insegnare mathematics: Concezioni, buone pratiche e formazione degli insegnati (pp. 301–312). Rome, Italy: ARACNE editrice S.r.l.
- Clark-Wilson, A., Robutti, O., and Sinclair, N. (2014). Introduction. In A. Clark-Wilson, O. Robutti & N. Sinclair (Eds.), The mathematics teacher in the digital era: An international perspective on technology focused professional development (pp. 1–10). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Jolkaee, S., Zazkis, R., & Sinclair, N. (2013). “It is very, very random because it doesn’t happen very often”: Examining learners’ discourse on randomness. In E. Chernoff & B. Sriraman (Eds.), Probabilistic Thinking: Presenting plural perspectives. New York: Spring.
- Sinclair, N. (2013). Aesthetic considerations. In M. Fried & T. Dreyfus (Eds.), Mathematics & Mathematics Education: Searching for Common Ground. New York: Springer, Advances in Mathematics Education series.
- Sinclair, N. & de Freitas, E. (2013). The virtual curriculum: New ontologies for a mobile mathematics. Mathematics Curriculum in School Education. New York: Springer.
- Sinclair, N., and Robuti, O. (2012). Technology and the Role of Proof: The Case of Dynamic Geometry. In A. J. Bishop, M. A. Clements, C. Keitel & F. Leung (Eds.), Third international handbook of mathematics education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Sinclair, N. (2010). Aesthetics as a Liberating Force in Mathematics Education? In M. Pitici (Ed.), The Best Writing on Mathematics: 2010. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Pimm, D. and Sinclair, N. (2010). Audience, Style, and Criticism. In M. Pitici (Ed.), The Best Writing on Mathematics: 2010. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Sinclair, N. (2010). Knowing more than we can tell. In B. Sriraman and L. English (Eds.), Theories of Mathematics Education: Seeking New Frontiers, (pp. 591–608). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- Sinclair, N. and Jackiw, N. (2010). Learning through teaching, when teaching machines. In R. Leikin and R. Zazkis (Eds.), Learning Through Teaching.
- Zazkis, R., Sinclair, N. and Liljedahl, L. (2009). Lesson Play – A vehicle for multiple shifts of attention in teaching. In S. Lerman and B. Davis (Eds.), Mathematical Action & Structures Of Noticing: Studies inspired by John Mason. Sense Publishers.
- Pimm, D. and Sinclair, N. (2009). Cultures of generality and their associated pedagogies. In S. Lerman and B. Davis (Eds.),Mathematical Action & Structures Of Noticing: Studies inspired by John Mason (14 pages). Sense Publishers.
- Sinclair, N., Arzarello, F., Gaisman, M., Lozano, M. (2009). Implementing Digital Technologies at a national scale. In C. Hoyles and J.B. Lagrange (Eds), The Seventeeth ICMI Study: Technology Revisited. Springer.
- Sinclair, N. (2008). A powerful tool for doing and learning mathematics. In M. Carlson and C. Rasmussen (Eds.), Making the connection: Research and practice in undergraduate mathematics. Mathematical Association of America.
- Sinclair, N. (2007). The teacher as midwife: What can mathematics education research learn from obstetrics? In K. Nolan and E Defrietas (Eds.), Opening the research text: Critical insights and in(ter)ventions into mathematics education. New York: Springer.
- Sinclair, N. (2006). For the beauty of number theory. In R. Zazkis and S. Campbel (Eds). Number Theory in Mathematics Education: Perspectives and prospects. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Sinclair, N. (2005). Mathematics on the Internet. In S. Johnston-Wilder and D. Pimm (Eds.), Teaching Secondary Mathematics effectively with Technology (pp. 203–218). Open University Press.
- Sinclair, N. and Jackiw, N. (2005). Understanding and Projecting ICT Trends. In S. Johnston-Wilder and D. Pimm (Eds.), Teaching Secondary Mathematics effectively with Technology (pp. 235–252). Open University Press.
- Sinclair, N. (2004). Meet the mathematicians. In L, Burton (Ed.), Mathematicians as enquirers: Learning about learning mathematics. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Journal Articles
- Sinclair, N., Chorney, S., & Rodney, S. (2015). Rhythm In Number: Exploring The Affective, Social And Mathematical Dimensions Of Using TouchCounts. Mathematics Education Research Journal.
- Sinclair, N. & Pimm, D. (2015). Mathematics using multiple sense: Developing finger gnosis with three-and four-year-olds in an era of multi-touch technologies. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 9(3), 99-109.
- Ng, O. & Sinclair, N. (2015). Young children reasoning about symmetry in a dynamic geometry environment. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 51(3).
- Sinclair, N., & Bruce, C. (2015). New opportunities in geometry education at the primary school. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 51(3).
- Ng, O., & Sinclair, N. (2015). “Area without numbers”: Using Touchscreen dynamic geometry to reason about shape. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 15(1), 84-101.
- de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2014). The politics of the mathematics aesthetic: Curricular con(sens)us and Acts of dissensus. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 28, [Available].
- Sinclair, N. (2014). Generations of research on new technologies in mathematics education. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 33(3), 166-178.
- Pimm, D., & Sinclair, N. (2014). A sublime journal of sudden enlightenment. For the learning of mathematics, 34(1), 4–5.
- Sinclair, N. & Metzuyanim, E. (2014). Learning number with TouchCounts: The role of emotions and the body in mathematical communication. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 19, 81–99.
- Gol Tabaghi, S. & Sinclair, N. (2013). Using Dynamic Geometry Software to Explore Eigenvectors: The Emergence of Dynamic-Synthetic-Geometric Thinking. Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
- de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2013). New materialist ontologies in mathematics education: The body in/of mathematics.Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(3), 453–470.
- Sinclair, N., de Freitas, E. & Ferrara, F. (2013). Virtual encounters: The murky and furtive world of mathematical inventiveness. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education.
- Sinclair, N. and Moss, J. (2012). The more it changes, the more it becomes the same: The development of the routine of shape identification in dynamic geometry environments. International Journal of Education Research, 51 & 52, 28–44.
- de Frietas, E. and Sinclair, N. (2012). Diagram, gesture, agency: Theorizing embodiment in the mathematics classroom.Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80, 133–152.
- Sinclair, N. (2012). Que faut-il vraiment réparer dans l’enseignement des mathématiques ? Commentaire, 138(35), 518–521.
- Sinclair, N., Watson, A., Zazkis, R., and Mason, J. (2011). The structure of personal example spaces. Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 30, 291–303.
- Sinclair, N. and Zazkis, R. (2011). Lesson Play: Learning how to improvise. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 50(1).
- Sinclair, N. (2011). Aesthetic Considerations in Mathematics. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 1(1).
- Sinclair, N. and Gol Tabaghi, S. (2010). Drawing space: Mathematicians’ kinetic conceptions of eigenvectors. Education Studies in Mathematics, 74(3), 223–240.
- Sinclair, N. and Armstrong, A. (2010). A Geometric Approach to Story Graphs and Piecewise Linear Functions. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.
- Son, J. and Sinclair, N. (2010). How preservice teachers interpret and respond to geometric errors. School Science and Mathematics, 110(1), 31–46.
- Sinclair, N. and Pimm, D. (2009). Audience, Style and Criticism. For the Learning of Mathematics, 29(2), 23–27.
- Jackiw, N. and Sinclair, N. (2009). Sounds and pictures: dynamism and dualism in dynamic geometry. ZDM, 41, 413–426.
- Kasten, S. and Sinclair, N. (2009). Using Technology in the Mathematics Classroom: How, Why and When Teachers Choose Sketchpad-based Activities International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 16(4), 133–144.
- Sinclair, N., Healy, L. and Reis Sales, C. (2009). Time for telling stories: Narrative thinking with Dynamic Geometry. ZDM, 41, 441–452.
- Sinclair, N., and Pimm, D. (2009). The many and the few: Mathematics, Democracy and the Aesthetic. Educational Insights, 12(3).
- Zazkis, R., Liljedahl, P., and Sinclair, N. (2009). Lesson Play: Planning teaching versus teaching planning. For the learning of mathematics, 29(1), 39–46.
- Sinclair, N. (2009). The aesthetic as a liberating force in mathematics education. ZDM, 41(1), 45–60.
- Sinclair, N. and Yurita, V. (2008). To be or to become: How dynamic geometry changes discourse. Research in Mathematics Education, 10(2), 135–150.
- Sinclair, N. (2008). Attending to the aesthetics in the mathematics classroom. For the learning of mathematics, 28(1), 29–35.
- Crespo. S. and Sinclair, N. (2008). What Can It Mean to Pose A ‘Good’ Problem? Inviting Prospective Teachers to Pose Better Problems. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11(5), 395–415.
- Hawkins, A. and Sinclair, N. (2007). Explorations in Topogeometry using Sketchpad. International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning.
- Healy, L. & Sinclair, N. (2007). If this is your mathematics, what are your stories? International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning.
- Sinclair, N., Zazkis, R. & Liljedahl, P. (2006). A coloured window on pre-service teachers’ conceptions of rational numbers,International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning.
- Sinclair, N. and Crespo, S. (2006). Learning mathematics with dynamic computer environments. Teaching Children Mathematics 12(9), 436–444.
- Liljedahl, P., Sinclair, N. and Zazkis, R. (2006). Number concepts with Number Worlds: Thickening Understanding. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 37(3) 253–275.
- Zazkis, R., Sinclair, N., and Liljedahl, P. (2006). Conjecturing in a computer microworld: Zooming out and zooming in. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics.
- Sinclair, N., Zazkis, R. & Liljedahl, P. (2006). A coloured window on pre-service teachers’ conceptions of rational numbers.International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning, 11(2), 177–203.
- Sinclair, N. (2005). Chorus, colour, and contrariness in school mathematics. THEN: Journal, 1.
- Sinclair, N. (2004). The roles of the aesthetic in mathematical inquiry, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 6(3), 261–284.
- Sinclair, N., Zazkis, R. & Liljedahl, P. (2004). Number Worlds: Visual and experimental access to elementary number theory concepts, International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning, 8(3), 235–263.
- Sinclair, N. (2004). Behold! Rich “demonstration” tasks using Dynamic Geometry. Mathematick lehren, 126, 59–62.
- Sinclair, N. and Schiralli, M. (2003). A constructive response to ‘Where mathematics comes from’. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 52(1), 79–91.
- Sinclair, N. (2002). The kissing triangles: The aesthetics of mathematical discovery. International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning, 7(1), 45–63.
- Sinclair, N. (2002). Reconstructing a painting with geometry eyes. For the learning of mathematics, 22(3), 19–22.
- Sinclair, N. (2002). Le role de l’esthétique dans l’apprentissage mathématique. Instantanés mathématiques, 38(3).
- Sinclair, N. and Jackiw, N. (2002). Dragon play: Microworld design in a whole class context. Journal for Educational Research in Computers, 27(1&2), 111–145.
- Sinclair, N. and Watson, A. (2001). Wonder, the rainbow and the aesthetics of rare experiences. For the learning of mathematics, 21(3), 39–42.
- Sinclair, N. (2001). The aesthetic is relevant. For the learning of mathematics, 21(1), 25–33.
- Taylor, P., and Sinclair, N. (2000). Training our students. Canadian Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 1, 110–116.
- 2014 SFU Faculty of Education Award for Excellence in the Supervision of a Graduate Student Thesis.
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division B’s Outstanding Book Award Honorable Mention for Innovations in Curriculum Studies for Mathematics and the Body: Material Entanglements in the Classroom, co-authored with Elizabeth de Freitas, 2014, Cambridge University Press.
- Janet Duffin Award for the best article of the year in Research in Mathematics Education for: Sinclair, N. and Yurita, V. (2008). To be or to become: How dynamic geometry changes discourse. Research in Mathematics Education, 10(2), 135-150.