Assistant Professor (UOIT)
Computational Thinking + Math Projects
- Future teachers’ perception of computational thinking for/in mathematics (learning)
- Math and Programming at the Tertiary Level
- Math9-12
- Mathematical thinking and reasoning for teaching.
- Mathematical thinking and reasoning of learners.
- Design, development, and implementation of non-routine learning tasks using multimodal approaches, unconventional representations, and authentic practices.
- Learning mathematics through contextualized and de-contextualized problem-solving scenarios.
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Mamolo, A. & Pinto, L. (2015). Risks worth taking? Social risks and the mathematics teacher. The Montana
Mathematics Enthusiast, 12(1-3), 85-94. - Chernoff, E. & Mamolo, A. (2015). Unasked but answered: Comparing the relative probabilities of coin flip
sequences (attributes). Canadian J. of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 15(2), 186-202. - Mamolo, A., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., & Whiteley, W. (2015). Networks of and for geometry learning. ZDM
Mathematics Education, 47(3), 483-496. - Mamolo, A. & Thomas, K. (2014). Reading the world with mathematics: An exploration of the Nutrition North
Canada Program. The OAME Gazette, 53(1), 29-35. - Mamolo, A. (2014). How to act? A question of encapsulating infinity. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 14(1), 1-22.
- Mamolo, A. & Pali, R. (2014). Factors influencing prospective teachers’ recommendations to students: Horizons, hexagons, and heed. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 16(1), 32-50.
- Wijeratne, C., Mamolo, A., & Zazkis, R. (2014). Hilbert’s Grand Hotel with a Series Twist. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, published online first:
- Mamolo, A. & Zazkis, R. (2012). Stuck on convention: A story of derivative-relationships. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 81(2), 161 – 177.
- Zazkis, R. & Mamolo, A. (2012). Continuing conversations: Towards the horizon. For the Learning of Mathematics, 32(1), 23 – 28.
- Whiteley, W. & Mamolo, A. (2012). Optimizing in geometric contexts: A new approach to the popcorn box activity. Mathematics Teacher, 105(6), 420-426.
- Zazkis, R. & Mamolo, A. (2011). Reconceptualizing knowledge at the mathematical horizon. For the Learning of
Mathematics, 31(2), 8 – 13. - Mamolo, A., Sinclair, M., & Whiteley, W. (2011). Proportional reasoning with a pyramid. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 16(9), 544 – 549.
- Sinclair, M., Mamolo, A., & Whiteley, W. (2011). Designing spatial visual tasks for research: The case of the Filling Task. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 78(2), 135 – 163.
- Mamolo, A. & Bogart, T. (2011). Riffs on the infinite ping-pong ball conundrum. International Journal of
Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 42(5), 615 – 623. - Mamolo, A. (2010). Polysemy of symbols: Signs of ambiguity. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, 7(2), 247-262.
- Whiteley, W. & Mamolo, A. (2010). Optimization through modeling: Revisiting the Popcorn Box. OAME Gazette.
- Zazkis, R., & Mamolo, A. (2009). Sean vs. Cantor: Using mathematical knowledge in ‘experience of disturbance’. For the Learning of Mathematics, 29(3), 53 – 56.
- Mamolo, A. (2009). Intuitions of ‘infinite numbers’: Infinite magnitude vs. infinite representation. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, 6(3), 305-330.
- Mamolo, A., & Zazkis, R. (2008). Paradoxes as a window to infinity. Research in Mathematics Education, 10(2), 167–182.
Books and Book Chapters
- Mamolo, A. (2010). Glimpses of Infinity: Intuition, Paradoxes, and Cognitive Leaps. Saarbrücken, Germany:
VDM Verlag. - Mamolo, A. & Zazkis, R. (2014). Contextual considerations in probabilistic situations: an aid or a hindrance?
In (Eds.) E. Chernoff & B. Srirman, Probabilistic thinking: presenting plural perspectives (PT: PPP), (pp.641-
656). Dordrechet: Springer - Zazkis, R. & Mamolo, A. (forthcoming). Milestones from zero to infinity. In (Eds.) A. Gutierrez, P. Boero, & G.
Leder, The Second Handbook of Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Selected Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Lovric, M. & Mamolo, A (2017). Computational Thinking in and for Undergraduate Mathematics: Perspectives of a Mathematician. 20th Annual Conference on RUME Proceedings. San Diego.
- Mamolo, A., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., & Whiteley, W. (2015). Conceptualizing the notion of a task network. Proceedings of the 18th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Pittsburgh, USA.
- Wasserman, N. & Mamolo, A. (2015). Knowledge for teaching: Horizons and mathematical structures. Proceedings of the 18th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Pittsburgh, USA.
- Mamolo, A. (2014). Cardinality and cardinal number of an infinite set: A nuanced relationship. Proceedings of the 38th International conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vancouver, B.C.
- Wasserman, N., Mamolo, A., Ribeiro, C.M., Jakobsen, A. (2014). Exploring horizons of knowledge for teaching. Proceedings of the 38th International conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vancouver, B.C.
- Mamolo, A. (2014). An eye to the horizon: The case of Delia’s hexagon. Proceedings of the 17th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Denver, USA.
- Mamolo, A. (2014). Noticing the math in issues of social justice. Proceedings of the 17th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Denver, USA.
- Mamolo, A. (2013). Pre-service teachers’ mathematical horizons: The case of the irregular hexagon. Proceedings of the 34th International conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter. Chicago, USA.
- Mamolo, A., & Martin, L. (2013). Mathematical understanding in a social justice context. Proceedings of the 34th International conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education – NA Chapter. Chicago, USA.
- Mamolo, A. (2013). Learning math through social justice issues. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kiel, Germany.
- Whiteley, W. & Mamolo, A. (2013). Optimizing through geometric reasoning supported by 3-D models: Visual representations of change. Proceedings of the ICMI 22 Conference, University of Oxford, UK.
- Mamolo, A. (2012). 1+1 = A window: On the polysemy of symbols. 15th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Portland, USA.
- Mamolo, A. & Zazkis, R. (2012). Challenging convention: Mathematics students’ resistance to the unconventional. 15th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Portland, USA.
- Zazkis, R. & Mamolo, A. (2012). Musings on infinite sample space. 15th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Portland, USA.
- Mamolo, A., & Zazkis, R. (2011). Reaching out to the horizon: Teachers’ use of advanced mathematical knowledge. Proceedings of the 14th SIGMAA on RUME Conference. Portland, USA.
- Mamolo, A., Sinclair, M., & Whiteley, W. (2010). Task problematization: The case of the filling task. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter. Columbus, USA.
- Mamolo, A. (2009). Accommodating infinity: A leap of imagination. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter. Atlanta, USA.
Invited Conference Presentations
- Task design and problem posing (with J.G. McLoughlin). The 39rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2015.
- An argument for the unconventional. Canadian Mathematical Society – Winter Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario, 2014.
- The 38th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education, Canadian National Presentation (with D. Reid, A. Anderson, J. Thom, C. Suurtamm, C. Kieran, J.Proulx, L. Lunney Borden, M.Stordy, O. Chapman)
- Life after a Ph.D. Invited panelist at the Young Researchers’ Day session of the 38th International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2014.
- Noticing and engaging the mathematicians in our classrooms (with E. Chernoff, E. Knoll). The 34rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group. Burnaby, British Columbia, 2010.
- Mathematics is what mathematicians think. It is a cognitive phenomenon – no more, no less – panel discussion (panellist). Canadian Mathematical Society – Winter Meeting, Windsor, Ontario, 2009.
- Glimpses of Infinity: Intuitions, Paradoxes, and Cognitive Leaps. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group. Toronto, Ontario, 2009.
- Problem Solving in Secondary Mathematics (with R. Mason). Canadian Mathematics Education Forum. Vancouver, British Columbia, 2009.
- Q-ing Students In: The Story of FAN X99 Foundations of Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning Course (with M. Dubiel, J. Mulholland, P. Menz) Symposium on Innovative Teaching, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby,
British Columbia, 2007.