Professor (Queen’s University)
Computational Thinking + Math Projects
- Biology: modeling behaviour, inclusive fitness, evolutionary stability.
- Mathematics education: curriculum development, both at the high school and university level.
- On Virgil: my opening lecture to Mathematics 120, For the Learning of Mathematics 1 (1980) 49-52.
Zen in the art of archery and teaching, Journal of Literary Theory 4 (1983), 73-81. - The Randolph Lecture: Calculus, where are we going? Seaway Section, MAA, Oswego, NY, Nov. 1990.
- Care, not Speed, IEEE Canadian Review No. 11, Fall, 1991.
- Calculus, The Analysis of Functions, Wall & Emerson, Toronto, 1992. 480 pp.
- Royal Canadian Institute Lecture: The calculus revolution: right revolution–wrong subject, Toronto, Feb. 1994.
- Complex Variables: the poetry and music of W.J. Barnes, Quarry press, 1994. 131 pp. (with D. Helwig).
- Panelist: The Power of Teaching and Learning, SFU Centre for University Teaching, Vancouver.
- The MacClement Lecture, Mathematics and Poetry, Queen’s University Fac. of Education, March, 1995.
- Small Napkins, Facts and Arguments, Globe and Mail, February 6, 1997.
- Plenary Speaker CMESG. The High School Math Curriculum. Thunder Bay, May 25, 1997.
- Plenary Speaker Changing the Culture Conference, Post-modernism and High School Math Education. PIMS Simon Fraser University, Feb. 20, 1998.
- “Training” our students. Canadian J. of Math, Science and Technology 1 (2000) 110-116 (with Nathalie Sinclair).
- Regular Lecturer, Reinventing the Teacher, International Congress of Mathematics Education, Tokyo, August 2000 (with Nathalie Sinclair).
- Speaker: Inquiry and design, Canadian Math Society Winter Meeting, Ottawa, December 2002.
- Working Group co-leader. Rethinking math thinking in secondary math classes. CMS Math Education Forum. Montreal May 16-18, 2003.
- CMS Winter Meeting. December 2003. Vancouver. Education Session. The tyranny of reality.
- The teacher as artist: a letter to my colleagues. MAA Focus 24, May/June 2004: 8-9.
- Review of the CUPM Curriculum Guidelines 2004. MAA Online. July 2004.
- What the history of art can teach us about teaching. MAA Seaway Banquet address, April 2005.
- Banquet Speaker, “Whitehead’s stage of romance” CUMC Annual Meeting, Kingston, July 13, 2005.
- Keynote Speaker: Workshop on Preparation of students for the preparatory-year program at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Sept 2006.
- The Adrian Pouliot Prize Lecture. The structure of a mathematics curriculum.CMS Winter Meeting, Toronto Dec. 2006.
- Canadian Club Luncheon Speaker. What’s wrong with the high school curriculum? December, 2006.
- Kingston Rotary Club Breakfast Speaker. An interesting photographic problem. January 2007.
- Keynote address: Will the real Q please step forward? 9th annual symposium on innovative teaching, Simon Fraser University, May, 2007.
- Mathematical Lens. Mathematics Teacher 101 (2007): 179-182.
- “Last Lecture,” Queen’s MiniU, May 2011 God is also a mathematician.
- ASUS Teaching Award 1986
- MAA Distinguished Teaching Award, Seaway Section 1992
- 3M Teaching Fellowship 1994
- Golden Apple, Faculty of Applied Science, Queen’s 1995
- OCUFA Teaching Award 2003
- CMS Adrian Pouliot Award for Mathematics Education 2006