Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Moghaddam, A. (2014). Designing, developing and implementing a web-based parents education platform. Funded by the Iranian Ministry of Education: Research Institute for Education.
- Moghaddam, A. (2014). Applications of ICTs in teaching-learning processes: How teachers use technologies in schools. Funded by Provincial Board of Education.
- Moghaddam, A., Asadi, A., & Salimi, G. (2005). Strategic plan of general office for education. Funded by Provincial Board of Education.
- Moghaddam, A., & Sharifi, M. (2004). Productivity of cooperative consuming companies. Funded by General Office for Cooperation.
- Moghaddam, A. (2003). Personnel participation and manpower productivity. Funded by Provincial Board of Education.
- Moghaddam, A. (forthcoming). Evaluating IT-based pedagogical processes: A broken quadrangle. Quarterly Studies in Learning and Instruction.
- Moghaddam, A. (2015). Teaching parents via Web 2.0: Designing, implementing and evaluating a collaborative environment. Quarterly Journal of Family and Research, 11(1), 87-110. (Published in Persian).
- Moghaddam, A., Sarkar Arani, M., & Kuno, H. (2015). A collaborative inquiry to promote pedagogical knowledge of mathematics in practice. Issues in Educational Research 25(2), 170-186.
- Moghaddam, A. (2013). Virtual instruction: An interdisciplinary window to knowledge construction. Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, 5(4), 135-159. (Published in Iran, in Persian)
- Moghaddam, A., & Sohrabi, T. (2012). A content analysis of elementary mathematics texts. Quarterly Journal of Curriculum Studies, 25(7), 115-138. (Published in Persian).
- Gadanidis, G., Namukasa, I., & Moghaddam, A. (2008). Mathematics-for-teachers online: Facilitating conceptual shifts in elementary teachers’ views of mathematics. Bolema, 21(29), 131-155. (Published in Brazil, in Portuguese)
- Moghaddam, A. (2007). Action research: A spiral inquiry for valid and useful knowledge. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 53 (2), 228-239.
- Moghaddam, A. (2006). Coding issues in grounded theory. Issues in Educational Research, 16 (1), 52-66.
- Sarkar Arani, M., & Moghaddam, A. (2003). Web-based learning and innovation in distance education. Quarterly Journal of Educational Innovations, 2 (3), 77-108. (Published in Iran, in Persian)
- Moghaddam, A. (2016). Mobile technologies in elementary schoolers’ hands: Friends or foes. International Conference on Education, Distance Education and Educational Technology (ICDET). Antalya, Turkey.
- Moghaddam, A. (2015). Teacher education in Ontario: Towards ethnic diversity, inclusive and technology education. First National Teacher Education Conference. Tehran, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2015). Instructional design: A missing component of educational software. 7th National Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2015). Does technology-integrated instruction matter? Content whispering vs. cognitive presence. 6th International Conference on Cognitive Science. Tehran, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2015). Learning technology: An inquiry-oriented lesson improvement. 6th International Conference on Cognitive Science. Tehran, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2015). To integrate or not to integrate: Don’t strike while the tech is a heck. 6th International Conference on Cognitive Science. Tehran, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2014). Traditional functions in modern situations: A study of smart schools. 6thNational Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2014). Pathology of writing in virtual spaces: A case of weblogs. First Conference on Composition and Writing. Tehran, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A., & Pitman, A. (2012). Culture of mathematics education in Iranian elementary textbooks. International Seminar on Multiculturalism in Asia. Kariya, Japan (Invited Speaker).
- Moghaddam, A. (2010). Pedagogy 1.0 vs. web 2.0: What educators need to do and how to do it. Paper Accepted for the Ubiquitous Learning: An International Conference 10. Vancouver, Canada.
- Moghaddam, A. (2010). Education, Technologies and Relationship Revolution. Paper Accepted for the Asian Conference on Education. Osaka, Japan.
- Moghaddam, A. (2010). Virtual world: A sphere to build understanding among nations. The World Forum on Education and Culture. Rome, Italy.
- Moghaddam, A. (2010). What is web 2.0 capable of? Individual and social knowledge construction in higher education. International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
- Moghaddam, A., & Gadanidis, G. (2010). Group work or working in the group: Peer interactions in an online teacher education course. Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Montreal, Canada.
- Moghaddam, A., & Gadanidis, G. (2009). Web 2.0: Networking communities to develop intellectual capital in education 2.0. Paper accepted for the International Conference on Intellectual Capital Management (IICM 2009). Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2007). Blogs: A genre of virtual platforms for collaborative discourse in education. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashad, Mashad, Iran.
- Moghaddam, A. (2007). Mental math vs. school math: An online exploration of preservice teachers’ individual and collaborative perceptions. Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Health, & Higher Education, Quebec City, Canada.
- Chen, S., Khan, S., Moghaddam, A., Namukasa, I., & Stanley, D. (2007). A digital mathematical performance to support the physical embodiment of balanced equations. In G. Gadanidis & C. Hoogland (Eds.). The Proceedings of the Digital Mathematical Performance Symposium (pp. 56-61). London: Western University.
- Moghaddam, A. & Pitman, A. (2007). Mathematics: A neutral or ideological subject matter. Paper presented at the Western Research Forum, Western University, London, Canada.
- Moghaddam, A. & Pitman, A. (2007). Iran: Progress and conservatism. Paper presented at the 51st Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Baltimore.
- Moghaddam, A. & Sarkar Arani, M. R. (2006). How Iranian teachers learn collaboratively through lesson study: An examination of elementary mathematics classroom practice. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Learning Study. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China.
- Moghaddam, A. (2006). Collaborative teaching in an online environment. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). York University, Toronto, Canada.
- Moghaddam, A. (2006). Knowledge construction through virtual collaboration. Paper presented at the Western Research Forum, Western University, London, Canada.
- Moghaddam, A. (2006). Online collaborative education and knowledge construction. Paper presented at the Conference on Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE), Orlando, USA.
- Moghaddam, A. & Gadanidis, G. (2005). Designing an online collaboration system. Paper presented at the Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), Montreal, Canada.
- Moghaddam, A. (2005). Online education in Iran: Innovation, transformation, and development. Paper accepted for the Conference on Research in Distance and Adult Learning in Asia and Distance Education (CRIDALA/DEC), Hong Kong, China.
- Moghaddam, A. (2005). Online education: An opportunity for e-democracy or a digital divide threat. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Graduate Conference in Culture, Language, and Teaching, York University, Toronto, Canada.