Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
- Mathematical Modeling & Application;
The Role of History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education;
Ethno-Mathematics & Ethno-Modeling (Informal mathematics);
Problem solving and problem posing process;
- Teaching Math with Technology;
Computational Thinking;
- Comparative Studies in Mathematics education;
Curriculum Study in mathematics education;
- Teacher Education.
Journal Publications
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Content Analysis of Calculus Textbook Problems upon Modeling Approach. Quarterly Journal of Curriculum Studies (JCS) (peer reviewed Journal in Persian Language). Vol. 6, No. 24. Pp. 135-156.
- Ahmadpour, F.; Fadaee, M. R. & Rafiepour, A. (2012). High School Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs about Mathematics and Mathematical Problem Solving, Quarterly Journal of Curriculum Studies (JCS) (peer reviewed Journal in Persian Language). Vol. 6, No. 24. Pp. 203-220.
- Ahmadpour, F.; Fadaee, M. R. & Rafiepour, A. (2013). Investigation the relationship between beliefs and components of constructivism in mathematics classroom environment, Research in Curriculum Planning (peer reviewed Journal in Persian Language). Vol. 10, No. 9. Pp. 87-98.
- Rafiepour, A. & Jokar, L. (2013). Investigation the Role of Gender and Grade in Students Mathematics Performance in solving a none-Routine Problem, Journal of Educational innovation (peer reviewed Journal in Persian Language). Vol, 48. Pp. 27-44. Iran: ministry of Education.
- Mehraein, S. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Gender and Mathematical Modelling Competency: Primary Students’ Performance and Their Attitude. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.143.
- Rafiepour, A. (2014). Investigation the Role of Type of Schools in Proportional Reasoning of Students, Research in Curriculum Planning (peer reviewed Journal in Persian Language). Vol. 11, No. 15. Pp. 24-33.
- Kazemi, F., Rafiepour, A., & Fadaie, M. (2014). The Effect of a Metacognitive Innovative Approach on University Students’ Attitude and Academic Achievement in Mathematics. Indian Journal of Scientific Research. Vol. 4, No. 3. Pp: 69-81.
- Rafiepour, A. (2014). Modelling and application: A research domain in mathematics education. Journal of Theory & Practice in Curriculum. Vol.2 (3); 93-116.
- Faramarzpour, N. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Gender beliefs Related to math in Minds of students. Journal of Curriculum Studies (J.C.S.) Vol.9 (34); 2014, 117-132
- Esmaili, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2015). Identification of Effective Factors in Iranian Eighth Grade Students’ Mathematics Achievement Based on TIMSS 2011. Journal of Educational innovation (peer reviewed Journal in Persian Language). Vol, 53. Pp. 56- 76. Iran: ministry of Education.
- Faramarzpour, N. & Rafiepour, A. & Hoseinchari, M. (Accepted). Investigating Psychometric Characteristics of Mathematical Beliefs Scale. Quarterly Journal of Educational Measurment
Conference Papers (Partial List)
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). The role of mathematics literacy in Iran mathematics curriculum. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education- Topic Study Group 6. Pp. 1904-1906. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Combining lesson study and action research as a tool for in-service teacher education. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education- Topic Study Group 25. Pp. 5422-5423. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Brief history of talent education in Iran. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7522. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Making sense infinity concepts for tertiary level students. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7652. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Iranian students’ performance in non-routine problem solving tasks. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7675. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Research on actual classroom practice. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7752. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Adeli Sardo, M. ; Rafiepour, A. & Karimianzadeh, A. (2012). Fifth grade students apply mathematics to the real world situation. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7784. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Rafiepour, A. ; Ahmadpour , F. & Fadaie, M. (2012). Investigating Iranian teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, teaching and learning. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7865. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
- Yancheshmeh, A. Rafiepour, A. (2012). Investigating Novice and Expert Performance in Problem Posing Activity. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2-September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
- Ahmadi, H. Rafiepour, A. (2012). Mathematics and Mobile phone: How Students Confront with Real World Problem. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2-September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
- Abdolahpour, K. Rafiepour, A. & Fadaie, M. (2012). Determining the level of Mathematical Modeling Competency of students in Real World problem Solving. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2- September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
- Esmaili, F. Esmaili, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2012). Investigating the role of type of problems on Emotion of Students. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2- September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Teaching Calculus with Realistic Mathematics Education Approach. Proceedings of 5th national Seminar on Mathematics in Payam Noor University. Pp. 308-310. Shiraz, Iran.
- Rafiepour, A. (2012). Missing Problem Posing in Classroom. Proceedings of 5th national Seminar on Mathematics in Payam Noor University. Pp. 311-313. Shiraz, Iran.
- Rafiepour, A.; Abdolahpour, K. (2013). Investigating Students’ Modeling Competency through Grade, Gender and Location. Proceedings of the Eight Congress of the 9 European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8). Turkey, ERME. Pp: 1070-1077.
- Rafiepour, A.; Esmaili, F. (2013). The Role of Modeling on Effects of Iranian Students, Proceedings of the Eight Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8). Turkey, ERME. Pp: 1139-1140.
- Mehraein, S. & Rafiepour, A. (2013). Investigating Gender Differences in Modeling Activities for 6th Grade students. In proceeding of fifth national congress on Education. Tehran. Iran.
- Rafiepour, A. (2013). Lesson Play: Reconstructing Pedagogical Interaction in the Classroom. In proceeding of 44th Iranian Mathematics Congress. Mashhad. Iran. Pp: 19-22.
- Rafiepour, A. (2013). Informal Education in Math Houses (A Center for Local Needs). Paper Presented at 4th Iranian Science Museum Seminar. Tehran, Iran, 18-19 Nov. 2013. Abstract of this paper published in Newsletter of Museum of Science and technology.
- Mehraein, S. & Rafiepour, A. (2013). Primary School Student’s Mathematical Modeling Competency in Building House Activity. In Lindmeier, A. M. & Heinze, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, pp. 125. Kiel, Germany: PME.
- Mehraein, S. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Sixth Grade Iranian Students Engage in Mathematical Modeling Activities. In Oesterle, S., Nicol, C., Liljedahl, P., & Allan, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36, Vol. 6, p. 366. Vancouver, Canada: PME.
- Moradalizadeh, A. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Ethnomathematics: a Capacity for Introducing Iranian Culture in Curriculum. In 5th Philosophy of Education Seminar, 21-22 May 2014. Kerman, Iran. Pp: 967-970.
- Faramarzpour, N. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Common Error of 8th Grade students in Graphical Problem about Vector. In 13th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 8-11 September 2014. Tehran. Iran. P. 118 (electronic booklet).
- Moradalizadeh, A. & Rafiepour, A. & Yari, M. (2014). Ethnomathematics as a new approach in Mathematics Curricula. In 13th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 8-11 September 2014. Tehran. Iran. P.106.
- Esmaili, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Error Analysis of 5th Grade Students in Mathematical Word Problems with Using Newman Method. In 13th Iranian Conference in
Mathematics Education, 8-11 September 2014. Tehran. Iran. P. 49. - Moradalizadeh, A. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Mathematics of Culture and Culture of Mathematics. Paper Presented at 4th Iranian Science Museum Seminar. Tehran, Iran, 18-19 Nov. 2014. Abstract of this paper published in Newsletter of Museum of Science and technology. P. 24.
- Rafiepour, A. (2014). Comparative Study of Tertiary Mathematics Curriculum at Bachelor Level. In International Conference on Quality in Higher Education curriculum: Standards, strategies and approaches (Iranian curriculum studies Association- ICSA). 22-24 Oct. 2014. Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran. P. 550.
- Khani, N. & Rafiepour, A. (2015). Content Analysis of New Version of Primary School Mathematics Textbooks upon Modelling Approach. In 7th National Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
- KarimianZadeh, A. Esmaili, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2015). Mathematical Modelling Problems as an Alternative for Word Problem in Primary School. In 7th National Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
- Mohseni, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2015). Explore the feelings of teachers and assess their readiness for interring modeling in the classroom. In 7th National Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
- Rafiepour, A. (2015). Using Application and Modelling Approach in Teaching Linear Algebra. In 8th Seminar of Linear Algebra and its Application. Sanandaj, Iran.
- Rafiepour, A.; MoradaliZadeh, A. (2015). Ethno-mathematics: an opportunity for designing authentic modelling problems, Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9). Czech Republic, ERME.
Magazine Papers (Partial List)
- Rafiepour. A. (2012). A Report of PME35 in Ankara-2011. Roshd Mathematics Educational Journal. No 106. Teaching-aids Publication Office, Organization of Research & Educational Planning, Ministry of Education. Pp.56-62.
- Karimianzadeh, A.; Rafiepour. A. (2012). Common Sense and Solving Real Mathematical Problem. Roshd Mathematics Educational Journal. No 107. Teaching-aids Publication Office, Organization of Research & Educational Planning, Ministry of Education. Pp.37-44.
- Rafiepour. A. (2012). Meeting With Professor Shahriari. Roshd Mathematics Educational Journal. No 109. Teaching-aids Publication Office, Organization of Research & Educational Planning, Ministry of Education. Pp 56-57.
- Rafiepour. A. (2013). A Report of ICME12 in Seoul-2012. Roshd Mathematics Educational Journal. No 110. Teaching-aids Publication Office, Organization of Research & Educational Planning, Ministry of Education. Pp.54-59.
- Faramarzpour, N. & Rafiepour. A. (2013). What the Unwritten Rules Say about Capitan’s Age? Roshd Mathematics Educational Journal. No 112. Teaching-aids Publication Office, Organization of Research & Educational Planning, Ministry of Education. Pp 4-9.
- Ahmadi, H. & Rafiepour. A. (2013). Mathematics and Mobile phone: How Students Encounter with Real World Problems. Roshd Mathematics Educational Journal. No 112. Teaching-aids Publication Office, Organization of Research & Educational Planning, Ministry of Education. Pp 16-21.
- Rafiepour. A. (2014). Reaction to New Math Era. Mathematical Culture and Thought (Farhang & Andisheh Riazi, Persian Math Magazine). Iranian Mathematical Society. Vol. 33, No. 54, Pp: 1-11.
- Rafiepour. A. (2014). Mathematical Houses: Explaining the Unique Role of Them in Popularization of Mathematics. Journal of the Popularization of Science, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp: 59-69.
- Ahmadi, H. & Rafiepour. A. (2014). Choosing Mobile phone Operator: one Mathematical odeling Problem. Roshd Mathematics Educational Journal. No 116. Teaching-aids Publication Office, Organization of Research & Educational Planning, Ministry of ducation. Pp 18-21.